16 May 2024 | NEWS
Custom plastic profiles: innovation and sustainability by VBN
VBN per realizzare profili personalizzati in plastica. L’esperienza, l’innovazione e l’impegno ambientale ci guidano verso risultati di alta qualità.

Custom plastic profiles are setting new standards of excellence in the industry. Extrusion technologies and materials research allow to produce custom extrusions, designed and fine-tuned for specific projects and according to precise technical characteristics. Performance, innovation and sustainability are all aspects that come together in these products.

Custom plastic profiles

When it comes to designing and producing custom plastic profiles, VBN is committed to working with customers starting from their requirements and ideas. The design is planned and processed together, evaluating the feasibility of the project and materials. These preliminary steps allow a prototype to be developed, which can be tested and proven before proceeding to mass production. The three-dimensional model of the custom profile helps to actually understand what the final result will be, check the functioning and the aesthetic performance and identify any critical issues, reducing costs and development time.
Once the prototype is defined, the custom dies are created and the production process is fine-tuned. At the beginning of each batch, checks are carried out to verify the correct set up of the extrusion machinery. Further inspections take place periodically by taking samples, which are tested to assess compliance with the required standards.

Innovative raw materials for custom profiles

During the preliminary stages of co-designing custom profiles, VBN provides specific advice to find the best plastics to use for the project. Many different factors are considered, such as functionality, context of use, and technical specifications. Thanks to the experience acquired over time and constant technological updating, it is possible to identify the polymer that features the required mechanical, chemical, aesthetic, strength and resistance characteristics.
VBN has also been committed for years to making its custom profile extrusion processes greener. VBN uses sustainable raw materials and pays attention to the entire product life cycle, reducing the use of non-recyclable items and simplifying the disassembly of components to facilitate the reuse of materials.

VBN’s expertise and innovation for your projects

With 65 years of experience in plastics design and extrusion, VBN is the ideal partner for producing high-quality custom profiles that meet the particular needs of each project.
The extensive know-how and the presence of a team of highly specialized professionals allow us to follow the customer in their choices with safety and professionalism.
In addition, thanks to the most advanced technologies and software, it is possible to process many plastic materials and manufacture custom 3D molds for the extrusion of customized profiles.
VBN is constantly committed to update and improve extrusion techniques, striving for excellence and raising production standards.

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